Source code for templateflow.api

"""TemplateFlow's Python Client."""
from json import loads
from pathlib import Path
import re
import sys

from .conf import TF_LAYOUT, TF_S3_ROOT, TF_USE_DATALAD, requires_layout

[docs]@requires_layout def get(template, raise_empty=False, **kwargs): """ Fetch one file from one particular template. Parameters ---------- template : str A template identifier (e.g., ``MNI152NLin2009cAsym``). raise_empty : bool, optional Raise exception if no files were matched Keyword Arguments ----------------- resolution: int or None Index to an specific spatial resolution of the template. suffix : str or None BIDS suffix atlas : str or None Name of a particular atlas hemi : str or None Hemisphere space : str or None Space template is mapped to density : str or None Surface density desc : str or None Description field Examples -------- >>> str(get('MNI152Lin', resolution=1, suffix='T1w')) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI152Lin/tpl-MNI152Lin_res-01_T1w.nii.gz' >>> str(get('MNI152Lin', resolution=2, suffix='T1w')) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI152Lin/tpl-MNI152Lin_res-02_T1w.nii.gz' >>> [str(p) for p in get( ... 'MNI152Lin', suffix='T1w')] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['.../tpl-MNI152Lin/tpl-MNI152Lin_res-01_T1w.nii.gz', '.../tpl-MNI152Lin/tpl-MNI152Lin_res-02_T1w.nii.gz'] >>> str(get('fsLR', space=None, hemi='L', ... density='32k', suffix='sphere')) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../' >>> get('fsLR', space='madeup') [] >>> get('fsLR', raise_empty=True, space='madeup') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): Exception: ... """ out_file = [ Path(p) for p in TF_LAYOUT.get(template=template, return_type="file", **kwargs) ] # Try DataLad first dl_missing = [p for p in out_file if not p.is_file()] if TF_USE_DATALAD and dl_missing: for filepath in dl_missing: _datalad_get(filepath) dl_missing.remove(filepath) # Fall-back to S3 if some files are still missing s3_missing = [p for p in out_file if p.is_file() and p.stat().st_size == 0] for filepath in s3_missing + dl_missing: _s3_get(filepath) not_fetched = [str(p) for p in out_file if not p.is_file() or p.stat().st_size == 0] if not_fetched: msg = "Could not fetch template files: %s." % ", ".join(not_fetched) if dl_missing and not TF_USE_DATALAD: msg += ( """\ The $TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME folder %s seems to contain an initiated DataLad \ dataset, but the environment variable $TEMPLATEFLOW_USE_DATALAD is not \ set or set to one of (false, off, 0). Please set $TEMPLATEFLOW_USE_DATALAD \ on (possible values: true, on, 1).""" % TF_LAYOUT.root ) if s3_missing and TF_USE_DATALAD: msg += ( """\ The $TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME folder %s seems to contain an plain \ dataset, but the environment variable $TEMPLATEFLOW_USE_DATALAD is \ set to one of (true, on, 1). Please set $TEMPLATEFLOW_USE_DATALAD \ off (possible values: false, off, 0).""" % TF_LAYOUT.root ) raise RuntimeError(msg) if not out_file and raise_empty: raise Exception("No results found") if len(out_file) == 1: return out_file[0] return out_file
[docs]@requires_layout def templates(**kwargs): """ Return a list of available templates. Keyword Arguments ----------------- resolution: int or None Index to an specific spatial resolution of the template. suffix : str or None BIDS suffix atlas : str Name of a particular atlas desc : str Description field Examples -------- >>> base = ['MNI152Lin', 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'NKI', 'OASIS30ANTs'] >>> tpls = templates() >>> all([t in tpls for t in base]) True >>> templates(suffix='PD') ['MNI152Lin', 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'MNI152NLin2009cSym', 'MNIInfant', 'MNIPediatricAsym'] """ return sorted(TF_LAYOUT.get_templates(**kwargs))
[docs]@requires_layout def get_metadata(template): """ Fetch one file from one template. Parameters ---------- template : str A template identifier (e.g., ``MNI152NLin2009cAsym``). Examples -------- >>> get_metadata('MNI152Lin')['Name'] 'Linear ICBM Average Brain (ICBM152) Stereotaxic Registration Model' """ tf_home = Path(TF_LAYOUT.root) filepath = tf_home / ("tpl-%s" % template) / "template_description.json" # Ensure that template is installed and file is available if not filepath.is_file(): _datalad_get(filepath) return loads(filepath.read_text())
[docs]def get_citations(template, bibtex=False): """ Fetch template citations Parameters ---------- template : :obj:`str` A template identifier (e.g., ``MNI152NLin2009cAsym``). bibtex : :obj:`bool`, optional Generate citations in BibTeX format. """ data = get_metadata(template) refs = data.get("ReferencesAndLinks", []) if isinstance(refs, dict): refs = [x for x in refs.values()] if not bibtex: return refs return [_to_bibtex(ref, template, idx).rstrip() for idx, ref in enumerate(refs, 1)]
def _datalad_get(filepath): if not filepath: return from datalad import api from import IncompleteResultsError try: api.get(filepath, dataset=str(TF_LAYOUT.root)) except IncompleteResultsError as exc: if exc.failed[0]["message"] == "path not associated with any dataset": from .conf import TF_GITHUB_SOURCE api.install(path=TF_LAYOUT.root, source=TF_GITHUB_SOURCE, recursive=True) api.get(filepath, dataset=str(TF_LAYOUT.root)) else: raise def _s3_get(filepath): from sys import stderr from tqdm import tqdm import requests path = str(filepath.relative_to(TF_LAYOUT.root)) url = "%s/%s" % (TF_S3_ROOT, path) print("Downloading %s" % url, file=stderr) # Streaming, so we can iterate over the response. r = requests.get(url, stream=True) # Total size in bytes. total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 wrote = 0 if not filepath.is_file(): filepath.unlink() with"wb") as f: with tqdm(total=total_size, unit="B", unit_scale=True) as t: for data in r.iter_content(block_size): wrote = wrote + len(data) f.write(data) t.update(len(data)) if total_size != 0 and wrote != total_size: raise RuntimeError("ERROR, something went wrong") def _to_bibtex(doi, template, idx): if "" not in doi: return doi # Is a DOI URL import requests response = doi, headers={"Accept": "application/x-bibtex; charset=utf-8"} ) if not response.ok: print( f"Failed to convert DOI <{doi}> to bibtex, returning URL.", file=sys.stderr, ) return doi return response.text