Source code for templateflow.conf

"""Configuration and settings."""
from os import getenv
from warnings import warn
from pathlib import Path
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import wraps

TF_DEFAULT_HOME = Path.home() / ".cache" / "templateflow"
TF_S3_ROOT = ""
TF_USE_DATALAD = getenv("TEMPLATEFLOW_USE_DATALAD", "false").lower() in (

[docs]def requires_layout(func): """Decorate function to ensure ``TF_LAYOUT`` is correctly initiated.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): from templateflow.conf import TF_LAYOUT if TF_LAYOUT is None: from bids import __version__ raise RuntimeError(f"A layout with PyBIDS <{__version__}> could not be initiated") return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
if not TF_HOME.exists() or not list(TF_HOME.iterdir()): TF_CACHED = False warn( """\ TemplateFlow: repository not found at %s. Populating a new TemplateFlow stub. If the path reported above is not the desired location for TemplateFlow, \ please set the TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME environment variable.\ """ % TF_HOME, ResourceWarning, ) if TF_USE_DATALAD: try: from datalad.api import install except ImportError: TF_USE_DATALAD = False else: TF_HOME.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) install(path=str(TF_HOME), source=TF_GITHUB_SOURCE, recursive=True) if not TF_USE_DATALAD: from ._s3 import update as _update_s3 _update_s3(TF_HOME, local=True, overwrite=True)
[docs]def update(local=False, overwrite=True, silent=False): """Update an existing DataLad or S3 home.""" if TF_USE_DATALAD and _update_datalad(): success = True else: from ._s3 import update as _update_s3 success = _update_s3(TF_HOME, local=local, overwrite=overwrite, silent=silent) # update Layout only if necessary if success and TF_LAYOUT is not None: init_layout() # ensure the api uses the updated layout import importlib from .. import api importlib.reload(api) return success
[docs]def setup_home(force=False): """Initialize/update TF's home if necessary.""" if not force and not TF_CACHED: print( f"""\ TemplateFlow was not cached (TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME={TF_HOME}), \ a fresh initialization was done.""" ) return False return update(local=True, overwrite=False)
def _update_datalad(): from datalad.api import update print("Updating TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME using DataLad ...") try: update(dataset=str(TF_HOME), recursive=True, merge=True) except Exception as e: warn(f"Error updating TemplateFlow's home directory (using DataLad): {e}") return True TF_LAYOUT = None
[docs]def init_layout(): from templateflow.conf.bids import Layout from bids.layout.index import BIDSLayoutIndexer global TF_LAYOUT TF_LAYOUT = Layout( TF_HOME, validate=False, config="templateflow", indexer=BIDSLayoutIndexer( validate=False, ignore=( ".git", ".datalad", ".gitannex", ".gitattributes", ".github", "scripts", ), ), )
with suppress(ImportError): init_layout()